Moms love online video & YouTube!

83% of women with children hop online for answers & 3/5 of them watch online video.
If you want to be at the top of your game, it’s something you need to pay attention to:


Whether researching the next vacation or squeezing in a workout, today’s Moms are turning to YouTube video in huge numbers. We know that Moms seek advice and a broad range of opinions, and these days the vast majority are going online to do so.


A recent Google Audience Study has proven 83% of women with children search for answers to their questions online. And of those, 3/5 of them use online video and YouTube to answer those questions.


With Mother’s Day this weekend, the YouTube Insights team wants to celebrate moms and all they do… while showing brands: a massive opportunity awaits.


We hope you enjoyed this YouTube video which shows how brands are answering the needs of Moms everywhere, sparking discussions, and even providing a little inspiration.