Coaching supports professionals who aspire to: excellence in practice, effectiveness in performance and equilibrium in life. I am a lawyer and professional coach located in Calgary, Alberta. I work with lawyers and other professionals who determine their own personal and professional success.

My clients want progress — in practice, productivity and/or purpose. I work with individuals, firms and professional associations to further excellence in practice and in life.

Individual Services

As an individual client, you build on your strengths, successes and achievements to accelerate your forward momentum. As a coach, I listen to you objectively, ask thought-provoking questions to challenge your perspective and hold you accountable for your own success.

Firms and Associations

Firms and associations engage me to promote productivity, provoke discussion and facilitate excellence. I coach individuals within the organization – honing their skills, relationships and effectiveness. I facilitate groups practicing at the same level or working as a team — enhancing their efforts to succeed. I also provide presentations and facilitate sessions at the office, special meetings and retreats.

Leanne Cherry, BA, LLB, CPC

Professional Coach

Calgary Corporate Video Production by: BizBOXTV