Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido in Calgary, CANADA. For all new and current students of MASTER WADE LANGIN, 5th Dan Black Belt. Come down and try out a class or two for FREE!!

The term JIN JUNG KWAN can be translated like the school of true teaching:

“Jin” meaning truth

“Jung” meaning purity

“Kwan” meaning the school of teaching

This style of Hapkido is based on real situations of aggression. Motions are fast and direct using the straight line and not circular trajectories contrary to the akido. These techniques are fast and powerful, for this reason, this style was adopted by the Korean SWAT TEAM. this style wants to be effective above all, in the respect of the tradition while keeping the authenticity of original Hapkido.

The philosophy of Jin Jung Kwan is summarized in three words: Ji In Kang

“Ji” meaning who inspires with becoming

“In” meaning to preserve

“Kang” meaning force

One can translate it thus, that is to say strong and perseveres in the way which you choose.


Hapkido Tots (Ages 3 to 5 Years) Martial Arts Program

Hapkido Quest (Ages 6 & Above)

Intermediate Youth/Adult Classes

Executive Membership (Ages 35 & older)

Family Quest Hapkido: Martial Arts for the Whole Family!

“Street Effective” Hapkido: For those who want to know practical self defense!

-Women’s Self Defense Courses

-Street Effective Kids

Hapkido Martial Arts Summer Camps 2011

-Hapkido Tots (Ages 3 to 5 Years)

-Hapkido Quest (Ages 6 & Above)