Beryl McNeill is a Registered Collaborative Family Lawyer & Mediator based in Calgary, AB. Collaborative divorce is a non-adversarial negotiating process, usually characterized by a series of meetings between the parties and their lawyers (and sometimes outside professionals for support and assistance), with a commitment to the following : negotiating the dissolution of your marriage in an atmosphere of honesty, co-operation, integrity and professionalism geared toward your future well-being and the well-being of your family; giving full, honest and open disclosure of all relevant information, whether requested or not;

protecting the privacy, respect and dignity of all involved; maintaining a high standard of integrity and specifically will not take advantage of your spouse, and will not take advantage of the miscalculations or inadvertent mistakes of others, and; no contested court applications.

A Registered Collaborative Family Law Lawyer has special training in the Harvard Model of Interest Based Negotiation Theory (based on the Win-Win Paradigm set out in “Getting to Yes” by Roger Fisher and William Ury). They also have a minimum of 40 hours of Family Mediation Training.

Beryl McNeill

Moe Hannah McNeill LLP

Barristers, Solicitors & Mediators

#710, 777 – 8th Avenue S.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2P 3R5

