What is Dare to Care?
The Dare to Care program is a fully comprehensive approach to dealingĀ with bullying and challenges within school communities. This comprehensive approach involves students, teachers, parents and the community in an effort to eliminate bullying and other dangerous behaviors from their schools and, in turn, create an atmosphere of tolerance and respect.
The Dare to Care program helps school communities, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, create a common language which then allows for more consistent intervention and follow through when dealing with challenging issues.
Lisa Dixon–Wells
[email protected] | (403) 620–5156
Lisa has been working in school systems across Western Canada since 1990. After completing her M.Ed in Educational Psychology (1997), Lisa’s focus has been on Comprehensive Guidance and Bully Prevention. As the creator of the Dare to Care program, her work has focused on early prevention and intervention in elementary and junior high schools. Through professional development, parent information nights, and classroom facilitation (including assemblies, student forums, and role playing), Lisa has helped over 200 schools create and maintain safe and caring school environments. As well as her expertise in the area of bullying, discipline and community building, Lisa has assisted schools in the development of clear and concise school discipline policies.