Marketing any service or product always comes with it’s own unique set of challenges, and marketing online can be an even bigger challenge. These days, many companies are feeling the push to do ‘more’ online, but with the Internet appearing to be a big, complex place sometimes- they just don’t know where to start. So some aren’t doing anything… and it’s scary how fast that’s starting to work against them.

If you have a website- great. Believe it or not, you’re ahead of some businesses out there who actually have no online presence at all. That being said, it’s time to step it up another notch or you’re in danger of being left far behind by your competitors who are picking up on the fact that consumers want more  than just a text website. If they land on your site and that’s all you’ve got, a few clicks later they’ll land on your competitor’s. If  they know the secret to capturing a hungry audience… hands down, they win. You lose. It really is that simple.

The ‘secret’ is actually something that has been around for a while now: it’s Web Video.  More and more businesses are learning how to harness the power of video on the Internet to their advantage. Consumers are proving to them via increased conversion rates: Online Video- is the way to go.

 Online video brings products to life in a way that static images and text can’t, often providing the final push a consumer needs to make a purchase. No wonder the number of online shoppers who watch retail videos grew 40% in a year.  

To see success with online video marketing you must: #1 have a professional video that creatively engages your audience. #2  get that video out via as many sources as possible.  It’s about taking your ‘quality’ video, and making ‘quantity’ work to your advantage. The more places  your video is posted with a link back to your site, the better. This plays on the link-building strategies one of our BizBOXTV team members calls… the ‘digital handshake’.

What are some ways you can use your video once you’ve made the investment? Place it on your website, send it out to your mailing lists, show it off at presentations, trade-shows… and fan it all over the Internet and share on Social Media. It really is a beautiful thing to watch how many people are interested in who you are & what you do, just by putting yourself out there via web video.