Hear what parents of BCS students have to say about their experiences at the school…


Bearspaw Christian School (BCS) is a non-denominational, private Christian school for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. BCS is located in the northwest corner of Calgary with an enrolment of 550+ students. Our facility features bright classrooms with natural lighting, a large gymnasium, library, science labs, a modern computer lab, and a music/band room. Technology is incorporated into our program with computer-assisted learning and virtual classes.

BCS is accredited by Alberta Education and affiliated with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), the Association of Independent Schools and Colleges in Alberta (AISCA), and the Independent Schools’ Athletic Association (ISAA).


At Bearspaw Christian School we ask, what is God’s primary reason for wanting children educated? Is it so they can get a job and make money, or so they can leave home and support themselves, or so they can become productive members of society (as defined by the world)? While these are all good things, they are not God’s primary concern. So, what is God’s primary reason for wanting children educated?

God wants us to equip children to be dedicated followers of Christ to impact the world for His kingdom. He wants them to be kingdom builders. To equip children, BCS focuses on both the mind and the heart. Based on Gods’ gifting, our goal is that children realize their full personal academic potential and to develop a strong personal relationship with Christ. This is why our vision is … “Teaching Minds…Reaching Hearts…Transforming our World”.

At BCS, we ask how God defines the word education. He does not define it solely as mastering academic subjects like math and science, or developing emotional intelligence, or values and morals. Although these are good things, His definition is much broader, holistic and integrated. Some say we need our students to see how God connects and relates to math, science and the other subjects. As the Creator of math, science and everything seen and unseen to suggest God needs to be “connected” to what He created falls short of His desire and is a serious understatement.

God needs to be the center of all subjects taught and cannot be separated from anything we study or teach as He is the creator of everything. To separate Him creates untruth, which is incongruent with the word “education”.

“Education” means we teach all subjects with God as the head in His rightful place as Creator. Every child has been wired by God uniquely, and has been given specific gifts and talents that need to be identified and fully developed for God’s purposes. We want to create an environment where students meet God and develop a personal relationship with His son, Jesus Christ.

BCS is not only an educational institution, but is a part of God’s much greater plan. God’s plan should compel us, with great urgency, to invest our lives to equip our children to be mighty in spirit, soul and mind. We as parents and educators have an important role to play in their development. BCS has been on an exciting and passionate quest to live out our Christ-centered mission.

The Bible makes a profound statement in Proverbs chapter 29 that “without a vision the people perish”. This statement speaks volumes of how God has wired us as human beings. We were made to live life in community, to join ourselves together around something that creates passion and purpose, pulling us into mission towards God’s greater redemptive purposes for us and for our world. That something is vision!

The community of Bearspaw Christian School has caught God’s vision to be a school that teaches minds, reaches hearts and transforms our world. Our vision has created a community of teachers & staff, parents, grandparents and students who are part of God’s much greater redemptive plan of transforming our world through generations of godly young people. We believe the call of God on us is so great, this moment in our history so significant, that our response needs to go beyond teaching academics in a Christian School setting. It calls us to be a unique equipping centre of teachers, parents, and administrators who, by joining together to live out our mission, we demonstrate Christ to our students for the purposes of developing in each of them personal academic excellence and Christ-like character. In this hour of our history God is calling us to self-sacrificing devotion to the development of students to become godly generations of spirit filled, moral leaders.

In Christ, Kelly Blake – BCSPresident

For more information on BCS, please call 403.295.2566 or [email protected].

Calgary Video Production by: BizBOXTV