Advertising | BizBOXTV

DIGITAL vs TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING : Is Radio, TV, Print OR Online Video best to advertise your business?

” You’re seeing a massive shift from traditional media into media you can measure. The challenge with traditional media advertising, print, television, radio, etc… is that it takes time to understand whether it in fact worked effectively. ”

The shift to digital is well underway, and businesses and brands of all sizes are taking notice when it comes to Advertising.

Print advertising has been on the decline for decades, digital advertising revenue is set to surpass TV this year.. while ROI continues to decline across all traditional ad methods.
The main reason…? Traditional advertising can’t offer one simple thing: Accurate measurement.
Meanwhile, Online Video Marketing &  Video Advertising Is Increasingly Effective At Measuring ROI.

Optimized, monitored and updated efficiently, you really can bet on success when it comes to digital advertising.

“You have immediate access to enormous amounts of information to be able to make real time decisions when it comes to product development, launching of campaigns, interacting with your customers.. Speed is the greatest advantage and now it’s an equalizer, regardless if you’re a multinational corporation or a start-up…”

When it comes to cost… shifting money to online marketing & advertising campaigns means a higher quality, more effective reach… at a lower cost.

“You can experiment and test whether it be… get real time cost effective feedback… so again you are going to be shifting money from traditional communications media into social media and digital advertising because of the ability to measure the return of those types of investments.”

With the digital opportunities available to businesses today, reaching out and connecting to consumers is easier and more effective than ever before.

“The other thing I would really invite businesses thinking about digital media, new media and online adding that to their marketing mix ~ there is a real opportunity to challenge what you conventionally do… both in the voice that your brand and organization takes and how you convey that voice how you convey messages, allow people to get to know you and build relationships…. there’s never been more opportunity to do that in the media we have available today.

Miss out… and you’ll likely find yourself disconnected.

Video by BizBOXTV – Serving Business Clients Across CANADA + NORTH AMERICA!

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