Video Advertisers: Your Audience is on Mobile

Back in 2011, only 6% of YouTube views came from mobile devices. But, things have changed dramatically since then. YouTube views coming from mobile devices jumped to 25% in 2012, rose to 40% in 2013, and increased to 50% in 2014. Today, more than half of YouTube views and 65% of Facebook video views occur […]
Why You Can’t Ignore Video Marketing

It’s the worst kept secret on the internet, but video marketing is one of the best ways for businesses to connect with customers. In virtually every situation, video marketing proves to be more powerful and engaging than written content. Despite this, so many businesses fail to give it a second look. Instead, they proceed with […]
71% Marketers: Video Converts Best

A new study based on feedback from marketers, confirms that video has been found to convert better than other forms of digital content, with 71% saying online video performs better for them than text and images. 86% of those surveyed in the report from Vidyard and Ascend2, “Video Content Marketing: Identifying Metrics and Measuring Impact” […]
Why Online Video Needs To Be In Your 2015 Budget

Online Video needs to be in your budget in 2015 & beyond. Here’s why: Digital has surpassed all forms of traditional advertising in Canada & Video Advertising has outpaced overall digital growth rates over the past five years.
Video Marketing Provides Great ROI

Video Marketing Provides Great ROI There’s no question: online video marketing helps businesses increase their brand awareness, generate genuine buzz, and increase sales. What’s becoming more evident is just how much of a difference it makes, which is reflected in the results of the latest industry studies. One of the latest, released this year by Animoto, […]
YouTube Turns 10 – BizREBELS

It’s time to take a look at how far youtube video & video advertising has come:
Want customers to remember you? Social video is the key

The explosion of the ‘social’ Internet has provided content creators, marketers and advertisers with a cost effective way to distribute and share online video. And unlike traditional advertising, online video lets them target their audience and measure its impact through analytics Social video is content that is influenced by social media and intended to be […]