Twitter Video Marketing

Twitter Video Marketing – Your Turn It’s every savvy digital marketers dream to reach their audience in a relevant and memorable way. Online video marketing provides businesses and brands of all sizes with one of the best opportunities to connect with their audience in this way. Twitter video marketing is the latest tool in your video […]
Twitter Video – Now Live

Twitter Video – Launched & Live Get ready to see a lot more video in your Twitter stream. Twitter has launched its new video product, which allows users to record, upload and tweet Twitter video clips. Online videos taken within Twitter or uploaded from your camera roll will have a 30-second time limit similar to Vine’s 6 second […]
Twitter Unveils Huge Video Strategy

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and his team are launching a new video content promotion tool called Twitter Amplify. The launch partners include A&E, Bloomberg TV, Clear Channel, Discovery, MLB, New York magazine, NCM, PGA Tour, The Audience, Time Inc., Vevo, Vice, Variety, and Warner Music Group. The new product allows media companies to push small […]