Opportunity Alert For Brands

Moms love online video & YouTube! 83% of women with children hop online for answers & 3/5 of them watch online video. If you want to be at the top of your game, it’s something you need to pay attention to:
Video Marketing Provides Great ROI

Video Marketing Provides Great ROI There’s no question: online video marketing helps businesses increase their brand awareness, generate genuine buzz, and increase sales. What’s becoming more evident is just how much of a difference it makes, which is reflected in the results of the latest industry studies. One of the latest, released this year by Animoto, […]
YouTube Video Production

BizBOXTV – A Canadian YouTube Video Production Company — Serving: Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto + more! Get your YouTube Video Production, today! Broadcast Your Brand™ Brand Journalism™ BizBOXTV’s YouTube video ad clients & partners include major media networks, large corporations as well as small-medium businesses in all cities & industries across Canada and North […]
Why Online Video? Why BizBOXTV? THIS is why…

Did you know? Online video is the most effective, engaging and informative way to promote your business? Get the video you need now… and affordably… at BizBOXTV. We create videos that sell, teach and entertain. And… deliver them for you to use instantly, online. Here’s how it works: VISION We work with you on […]
Twitter Unveils Huge Video Strategy

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and his team are launching a new video content promotion tool called Twitter Amplify. The launch partners include A&E, Bloomberg TV, Clear Channel, Discovery, MLB, New York magazine, NCM, PGA Tour, The Audience, Time Inc., Vevo, Vice, Variety, and Warner Music Group. The new product allows media companies to push small […]
Video Views Reach Another All-Time High

ComScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that 181.9 million Americans watched 38.8 billion online content videos in April, while the number of video ad views reached an all-time high at 13.2 billion. Top 10 Video Content Properties by Unique Viewers […]
Online Video: more popular than Facebook & Twitter by 2017

Online video isn’t just growing fast, it’s growing faster than any other type of consumer service offering – and soon it’s going to be even more popular than Facebook, Twitter and Co, according to Cisco’s new Visual Networking Index forecast. The newest edition of Cisco’s data-heavy report on how we all spend our time and […]
Online Video Ads More Effective Than TV

Advertising executives admit the tide of ads is changing and online video ads taking the lead, new research has found. Seventy-five percent of ad agency executives say that online video ads are more effective than traditional TV ads compared with just 17 percent who say they are less effective. That sentiment is shared when comparing […]
13 Billion+ Video Ads Viewed Last Month

Consumers watched 13.2 billion online video ads last month, reaching an all-time high, according to a new report by comScore. Data from the comScore Video Metrix also showed that over 180 million Americans watched almost 40 billion online content videos in April. Google Sites came in as the number one online video content property, primarily […]
Online video gains viewers. TV’s losses mount.

As online video gains viewers, cable TV’s losses mount. While 60% of US internet users surveyed told AYTM Market Research that they still had a cable TV subscription in May 2013, another 23% said they had a subscription in the past, but not any longer. Consumers’ inclination to watch cable and network TV as it […]