Online Video: more popular than Facebook & Twitter by 2017

Online video isn’t just growing fast, it’s growing faster than any other type of consumer service offering – and soon it’s going to be even more popular than Facebook, Twitter and Co, according to Cisco’s new Visual Networking Index forecast. The newest edition of Cisco’s data-heavy report on how we all spend our time and […]
All of your posts, shares and ‘Likes’ tell a story. What’s yours saying?

Consider this: anyone, strangers included, can tell a great deal about you via your digital footprint; that is, the trail you leave behind as you share updates, post pictures or check into places. It’s likely that you’re broadcasting what you look like, where you work, where you’ve been, who you know, what you like to […]
13 Billion+ Video Ads Viewed Last Month

Consumers watched 13.2 billion online video ads last month, reaching an all-time high, according to a new report by comScore. Data from the comScore Video Metrix also showed that over 180 million Americans watched almost 40 billion online content videos in April. Google Sites came in as the number one online video content property, primarily […]
Facebook video ads coming, will autoplay in your feed

Facebook is reportedly plotting a way to squeeze even more adverts into your News Feed — and this time they’ll be moving pictures! Zuckerberg and pals are going to debut the new video ads in July, the Financial Times reports, in a bid to wring more cash out of the 750 million-strong social network. Adverts […]
Time Spent On Facebook Increases 700%

The total time spent on Facebook has increased nearly 700% year over year, according to Nielsen. Nielsen reported Tuesday that total time spent on the social networking site rose from 1.7 billion minutes in April 2008 to 13.9 billion minutes in April 2009, making it the top social network in terms of the amount of […]
Nielsen Knows How Much Time You Waste On Facebook, Twitter

According to a study by Nielsen Online, users spent 13.9 billion minutes overall on Facebook alone in April 2009, a statistic that’s up a whopping 700 percent from the 1.7 billion minutes calculated at the same time a year earlier. It’s another sign of Facebook’s exploding popularity, and not a bad statistic for a social […]