Want to ‘wow’ customers? Stop asking them to buy stuff.

My last column on brand journalism sparked some great discussion and more questions from my network on exactly how businesses can implement a brand journalism strategy. Just to recap: Brand journalism is a useful way for brands, big and small, to use the approach of professional journalists to create, curate and share expert content in […]
Online Video: Canada #2 in the world… 92% watch it.

Online video consumption has grown rapidly in Canada. In fact, the country ranks second in the world in online video penetration. While advertisers have lagged behind consumer uptake, ad spending on online video grew rapidly in 2012, jumping 75% from the previous year, and is projected to continue growing sharply in coming years, according to […]
Toronto Video Production
BizBOXTV- A Toronto Video Production Company — Serving: Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto + more! Broadcast Your Brand™ Brand Journalism™ Online Toronto Video Production + Video Advertising + Social Media Marketing BizBOXTV’s corporate video clients & partners include major media networks, large corporations as well as small-medium businesses in all cities & industries across Canada and North […]