Hillhurst Hardware
Hillhurst Hardware is a family run business serving Calgary for over 60 years, in the heart of Kensington. BizBOXTV had the pleasure of creating an initial 3 videos for Hillhurst Hardware, which happened to be one of BizBOXTV Calgary’s first web video clients. Hillhurst Hardware – BizBOXTV Business Profile Video (MAIN) The first video we […]
Trico Foundation, Social EnterPrize Conference
http://www.tricofoundation.ca/ BizBOXTV had the pleasure of being on location @ Trico Charitable Foundation’s 2011 “Enterprising Spirit Conference”.
MaKami College – Graduation
http://www.makamicollege.com/ BizBOXTV Edmonton had the pleasure of being on-location @ MaKami College’s Graduation Reception, Ceremony & party!
Have a Small Business? You Need BizBOXTV Calgary Online Video
Having a strong online presence is critical for small, medium and large businesses these days. From good websites to social media presence and everything in between, having a strong brand on the Internet is essential to creating a successful business in this digital age. Some businesses, though, are now taking it to the next level […]
Berry Naturals & Cheryl Bernard – Krill Oil
Berry Naturals hits the button by partnering with Olympic silver medalist and curling icon Cheryl Bernard. Berry Naturals is a
Internet video viewing hits all-time high: comScore

The average U.S. Web surfer watched 21.1 hours of online video content in October, watching a record 42.6 billion videos, comScore said Monday. Viewing of videos on Google’s YouTube, Facebook, Vevo and other online video sites reached an all-time high October, according to the measurement firm. Internet video viewing increased significantly compared to June, when […]
PBS – User Group Conference
http://www.pbssystems.com/ Aiming to be the leader in DMS technology is to set your sights on a constantly
Tablet users watch more online video

Tablet users averaged 30 percent more viewing time per session compared with desktops, according to data released this week by Ooyala, a provider of video services to major brands. Tablet users also tended to be more engaged, finishing videos at nearly twice the rate as desktop users. For each minute of video watched on a […]
Girls’ Night Out – Jungle Fever 2011
2011 Girls’ Night Out ~ Jungle Fever Event, Calgary October, 21st 2011 This unique “women’s only” fundraiser
Serenity Oil – Berry Naturals
www.berrynaturals.ca Berry Naturals is a part of the Women to Women group of Companies. Our motto,