Want to ‘wow’ customers? Stop asking them to buy stuff.

My last column on brand journalism sparked some great discussion and more questions from my network on exactly how businesses can implement a brand journalism strategy. Just to recap: Brand journalism is a useful way for brands, big and small, to use the approach of professional journalists to create, curate and share expert content in […]
15 Facts + Stats About Online Video Calgary

Online video is seeing massive growth. Watching video online has gone from a niche activity to mainstream. With new devices, video everywhere has become a reality. The implications of online video’s growth for the digital advertising industry are huge. Sight, sound and motion is of utmost importance to brand advertisers. It can pull on heartstrings […]
Cut through the ad clutter: tell a great story

Advertisers are starting to push creative boundaries in an attempt to engage, using the latest innovations, from gaming strategies to social media to branded video and Web TV content. But with all of the clutter we are surrounded by in this digital age, getting someone to pay attention to a company’s brand message seems to […]
Brand Journalism: Defined

Larry Light, chief marketing officer at McDonald’s, said in 2004 that mass marketing no longer worked and that “no single ad tells the whole story.” McDonald’s, he said, had adopted a new marketing technique: “brand journalism”. Light defined brand journalism, brand narrative or brand chronicle, as a way to record “what happens to a brand […]