CANADA DIGITAL MEDIA TRENDS: Canadian Internet Use Facts + Stats

” We Canadians love our Internet. In fact: Canada is one of the most ‘wired’ countries in the world, with 87% of Canadians connected.
99.5% of Canadians who use the Internet (26 Million)… use it every day.

“Canadians’ Internet usage is much greater than their global counterparts.”

Canada has long led the world in Internet usage.

Canada ranks #1 when it comes to monthly website page views and visits per visitor… AND we’re #2 for overall time spent on the web… with the average Canadian spending 41 hours every month online.

Smartphone use is up 57%, above the global average of 42%… with 6 out of 10 accessing the Internet via mobile.

74% of Canadians research products online before buying in-store.
30% use their mobile device while shopping in-store.
.. and 50% of Canadians shop online.
In the US, only 33% do.

The most popular content?
Social Media.
24 Million Canadians used Social Media in 2013.
Facebook is the most popular Social Networking site… with 19 Million Canadians using Facebook every month.
Twitter ranks #2
LinkedIn is a close third…
Pinterest saw 792% growth last year in Canada.

“…extremely high sophistication amongst Canadian Internet users.” ~ comScore Canada

Canadians spend more time on YouTube than anyone else in the world… with the average user watching 32 hours of online video, every single month.

More and more Canadians are cutting traditional TV service, using the internet for video streaming.

There is no question as to the impact the digital world is having on Canadians.

Is your brand plugged in? ”

Online Video Production By: BizBOXTV
Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver Business Brand Videos