Traditional PR losing massive ground to ‘brand journalism’

Traditional PR may disappear altogether as it gives way to ‘brand journalism’, shifting the focus of a brand’s efforts from bombarding consumers with me-oriented messaging to a pull-style, content marketing approach where the brand acts like a newsroom. The future belongs to businesses that become the media, says Tim Gray, content strategist for online marketing […]
Brand Journalism : Bold Predictions for 2013
# 4. Brand journalism will become a norm. Whether you are a brand journalism advocate or not, it is difficult to ignore the growth of the trend over the course of the past year. Based on the extreme success that many brands are seeing by creating their own journalistic content, we can only imagine how […]
Brand Smart with Brand Journalism
Brand journalism stands for combining the tenets of traditional journalism with “brand storytelling” (using the techniques of marketing and public relations). It’s not meant to be truly impartial as journalism is, but rather a genuine and engaging way to talk to customers and present your brand. Because businesses are increasingly social, it’s a way to […]
Storytelling: Does your business story get people talking?

The story of your business is a starting point that should never be underestimated. It needs to be an engaging tale to get your message across – one that gets people talking and sharing. People have been telling tales and listening to stories since the beginning of time. Stories carry history, experiences and certain messages, […]
7 Reasons Your Content Marketing Needs a Brand Journalist

Brands now have the ability to bypass the traditional press and tell their own story in their own voice in a unique and compelling way. As I see it, good content isn’t about storytelling; it’s about telling a true story well. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t tell their story well. In our recent survey of more […]
Is that an ad or a news story – and does it matter which?

Brand journalism is storytelling meant to draw readers to a company’s field of expertise, without laying on the hard sell. Familiar examples include the cocktails-and-recipes magazines you might pick up at the liquor store, or inflight magazines on airplanes that report from exotic destinations. But the digital age has given brand journalism a new urgency. […]
Content Marketing: why brands need an editorial positioning

Everybody in marketing is talking about content. But few brands are making it. And when they are, even fewer are doing it well. Why? Probably because a lot of brands don’t know what to make content about. Or at the very least how to sustain a consistent programme of content marketing. And that’s because they […]
Musts for successful Brand Journalism

It’s called brand journalism, a new form of communications for business that’s rapidly emerging as the digital revolution continues to evolve. It’s igniting excitement because of the way it boosts awareness for a company, often faster than social media, advertising or PR. Boeing uses it to show us what an Air Force base test flight […]