Traffic to Twitter’s video-sharing network Vine exploded last month, making one of the fastest-growing sites in America. Vine hit second place on’s fast mover list for April, surpassing two million unique visitors to the website alone.

“We may be witnessing the rise of Twitter’s recently acquired Vine,”’s Conor O’Mahony said in an email.

Vine, which bills itself as “the best way to see and share life in motion,” was acquired by Twitter for $30 million in October of 2012, when it had only three employees. The site is essentially a combination of a video-based Instagram and Twitter, as users upload short 6-second videos and share them with friends.

Two million unique visitors is not huge, of course, although it is significant. But it’s important to note that many users who access Vine solely via mobile will not be counted, and that this is a momentum signal, not a sign that Vine is already at Twitter or Facebook-style reach.

via Twitter’s video-sharing Vine exploded 200% last month | VentureBeat.