Since the emergence of YouTube in 2005, the prevalence and impact of video marketing have skyrocketed.
YouTube changed the game by allowing everyday users to upload, publish, and market their video content directly within the search engine.
Today, over 2.6 billion people use the platform.
And YouTube isn’t the only player in town.
Vimeo, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram all have powerful video marketing capabilities to help businesses get found.
Local businesses can use video marketing to drive traffic, reach more customers, and grow online.
Benefits Of Local Video Marketing
- Website traffic: Publishing videos online and optimizing for clicks can drive more users directly to your website.
- Revenue growth: Video marketing can influence buying decisions and increase revenue for your local business.
- Brand awareness: Video exposes your business to more users across a wider range of platforms, helping drive visibility for your business
- Trust and authority: Posting valuable content can build trust with your audience and lend authority to your business.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Embedding videos in your web pages and articles can help your site appear in Google organic or image search.
- Backlinks: Videos can add value to your content and encourage other websites to link back to your website, which is good for SEO and referral traffic.
- Email marketing: Videos make great additions to your email marketing campaigns, driving more engagement and clicks.
- Advertising: Many video platforms offer paid advertising opportunities to generate even more clicks and revenue for your business.
- Local presence: Publishing videos about your community or local events can help you attract more customers in your area, even if advertising online.
- Relevance: Creating relevant and engaging videos can further support your existing marketing campaigns, teach users about your business, and improve your digital footprint.